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Showing posts from November, 2015

Strong Foundations | Fall 2015

A message from Randall Redding As a life-long sports fan, I understand the passion that communities have for their local school’s teams. In today’s environment, it’s important to have top-notch facilities that provide teams the best chance to succeed, as well as serve as a gathering place to hold community-wide events. This edition of Strong Foundations focuses on the role sports plays in the prestige of an institution, as well as how one community improved its morale through a new gymnasium. I would also like to recognize the entire RKR team’s effort for receiving the prestigious national Leadership in Safety Award from CNA, the seventh largest U.S. commercial insurance carrier. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration with your family and friends. We are truly a blessed people. Thanks for your friendship and support. Respectfully, Randall K. Redding, President & CEO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

High School Juniors in Paulding County’s Public Schools Receive YouScience Profile Thanks to Generosity of R. K. Redding Construction & Paulding County

DALLAS, Ga. (Nov. 9, 2015) – The more than 2,000 high school juniors in Paulding County’s public high school system will complete a YouScience Profile during this academic school year. The personalized YouScience Profiles are part of a program to improve the state’s workforce development and student outcomes. R. K. Redding Construction (RKR) and the Paulding County School District are co-sponsoring the initiative and made this valuable resource available free of charge to the schools. YouScience is the only holistic approach to career guidance that allows students to find the intersection of the natural abilities (what they do well), specific interests (what they love to do) and career opportunities (what the job market needs). The resulting online YouScience Profile makes it easy for counselors and parents to engage students in a meaningful career dialogue. YouScience has wrapped the best in career sciences into an engaging, online experience for the students. “I want students i

Project Spotlight: Alexander High School Competition Gymnasium Unites Community

View Project Photos Alexander High School Principal Nathan Hand laughingly said recently that the school has been in need of a new gym for the past 20 years. This is similar situation that many schools find themselves in these days. About 10 years after the school was first built, the areas growth had far surpassed all expectation. The school was built to handle 1,200 students, but that number has swelled to 1,700. While additional classrooms had been built, the gym still looked like it was built in the 1980’s… which it had. “Our outdated and undersized gym was having a negative impact on the school,” said Hand. “Coaches where having to share offices, the various teams were crammed into one locker room, multiple physical education classes were being held at the same time and team practice were being held late at night or at different schools to accommodate everyone.” Oftentimes, a school these days will have two or three gymnasiums to handle the increased need to field numer

High Schools Sports Facilities Changing the Landscape

ESPN Game of the Week. Stadium Naming Rights. Community Pride. High school athletics have become big business. That’s why principals and athletic directors are seeking ways to either build new or remodel existing athletic venues. With funds limited in the school districts, the best return on investment oftentimes can run through the athletic program. Athletics can motivate students to keep up their grades and help them learn to manage their time. Sporting events can unify a whole town to cheer for their home team. RKR has worked with dozens of schools throughout the southeast to build new facilities; however, we have recently noticed an increase in the number of stadiums and gymnasiums being requested. “Sports is about developing a child,” said Nathan Hand, Alexander High School Principal. “It teaches them to better deal with adversity and learn to overcome obstacles. We felt we needed to have the best facilities in order to attract and keep the best coaches. Of course, c