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Showing posts from February, 2015

UAVs, the Future of Construction

Construction firms all over are taking advantage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on construction projects. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or UAVs, are not an autonomous, pilotless vehicle. A person controls it on the ground through a remote or mobile device. The UAV is camera-equipped, so it’s ready to give the user a bird’s eye-view. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles present many opportunities in the construction industry and can be very beneficial to many professionals. UAVs can help with surveying, develop data, check a project’s progress, capture footage in aerial view or help examine structures for inspections. And with the growing use of technology and use of smart devices, UAVs are becoming more easily managed out on the field. R. K. Redding is already benefiting from using UAVs in more ways than one. We’re currently using the UAV’s to take aerial photography to document the construction process. This method is replacing traditional aerial photography and is more affordable for the firm